
Rivenhall incinerator decision slammed by MP Priti Patel

Category: Local News Published: 6th January 2020 - 11:43 am

Witham MP and longstanding opponent of the Rivenhall incinerator, Priti Patel, has slammed the decision taken by the Environment Agency to issue a notice indicating that they are minded to grant a permit for the controversial waste site. The proposal to grant the permit is subject to a further stage …

Public views sought on Newlands Centre Regeneration and Health Centre

Category: Local News Published: 16th December 2019 - 9:53 am

Priti Patel, the MP for Witham, is calling on the public to give their views on proposals to regenerate the Newlands Shopping Centre and include in the plans a new health centre facility. The proposals are being developed by Centre owners New River Retail and have been shared with Witham …

Priti calls for housing plans rethink

Category: Local News Published: 9th December 2019 - 11:18 am

Priti Patel, the Conservative Party Parliamentary Candidate for Witham, has called on Colchester Borough Council to urgently rethink its housing plans for a garden community. The plans, which were heavily criticised by an independent planning inspector in 2018, will be subject to a series of further hearings next month (January …

Priti slams BDC planning refusal for Complete Dance studio

Category: Local News Published: 20th November 2019 - 2:49 pm

Priti Patel, Conservative Party Parliamentary Candidate for Witham, has slammed Braintree District Council for refusing to grant planning permission for Complete Dance to open a studio on a site at Wheaton Road. The site, which has been vacant for a number of years, could have been turned into a dance …

Priti Patel with local campaigners opposed to the Mell Road development

Priti welcomes Mell Road, Tollesbury planning refusal

Published on 13th November 2019 Published in Local News

Priti Patel, the Conservative Party’s Parliamentary Candidate for the Witham constituency, has welcomed the decision taken by Maldon District Council to refuse a planning application for a huge 90 dwelling development on a site off of Mell Road in Tollesbury. The application was rejected on a number of grounds, including …

Priti Patel MP on her tour of the Oakwood Meadows site in Stanway. From left: David Jenkinson, CEO of Persimmon, Priti Patel MP, Louise Trail, Head of Sales, Philip Standen, Managing Director, Essex and Martyn Clark, Divisional Director.

Priti visits new homes site in Stanway

Published on 16th October 2019 Published in Local News

Priti Patel, the MP for Witham has visited the Charles Church property development Oakwood Meadows on London road, Stanway, (Friday, 11th October), escorted by Persimmon Home’s Chief Executive David Jenkinson, and the South-Eastern Regional Managing Director Martyn Clark. Persimmon Homes owns the Charles Church brand. In a comprehensive tour, Priti was …

Priti calls for dance studio planning application to be approved

Category: Local News Published: 20th August 2019 - 10:00 am

The Witham MP, Priti Patel, has called on Braintree District Council to approve a planning application for a dance studio in Witham. Complete Dance are looking for new premises and have applied to develop an industrial unit that has been vacant for more than five years into a dance and …

Priti Patel MP opens Lime Tree Place

Published on 27th July 2019 Published in Local News

The Witham MP, Priti Patel, has today (27th July) formally opened Lime Tree Place, the new apartment complex in Collingwood Road, Witham. Developed by Inspired Homes and Equinox Living, Lime Tree Place consists of 75 one bedroom and 22 two-bedroom apartments that have been created from the conversion of the …

Local MP is angered over ‘shameful’ Hatfield Peverel planning decisions

Category: Local News Published: 9th July 2019 - 11:50 am

Witham MP Priti Patel has expressed her anger and disappointment on behalf of local residents over three planning decisions taken by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, which will impose development on two sites in Hatfield Peverel. The planning applications for 120 dwellings at Gleneagles Way …

Witham MP, Priti Patel speaks out against development proposals for Tollesbury

Category: Local News Published: 7th July 2019 - 8:29 pm

The MP for Witham, Priti Patel, has reiterated her opposition to the proposal for 99 new homes to be built on land off Mell Road, Tollesbury, describing the developer Gladman’s approach to planning as ‘heavy handed’ and suggesting that the development is ‘far too large for the village’. Priti’s full …

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