Priti raises Wethersfield concerns in Parliament
During a general debate on migration in the House of Common (15.06.23), the Witham MP Priti Patel has raised concerns about the Government’s plans to use Wethersfield to accommodate asylum seekers. The site is currently the subject of a legal challenge, although the Home Office are continuing to prepare the site for it to …
Priti’s first interview since becoming Home Secretary, for the Daily Mail
Priti’s first interview since becoming Home Secretary, for the Daily Mail:
Home Secretary, Priti Patel writes in the Mail on Sunday about her plans to shake up the immigration system
Our new Prime Minister has promised a radical rewrite of our immigration system. As Home Secretary, I’ll be the one making this happen, because this new re-energised and optimistic Government is determined to get the country back on the road to a brighter future. We’ve waited long enough to get …