Priti slams Labour’s damaging planning reforms
Witham MP Priti Patel has slammed the Labour Government’s changes to the National Planning Policy Framework and decision to impose top-down targets on local councils. Their plans will undermine local democracy and decision-making, leave the countryside vulnerable to huge new developments and fail to deliver new investment in local infrastructure …
Local MP Priti Patel was pleased to ‘serve’ Witham with ‘ace’ news
Local MP Priti Patel was pleased to serve Witham with ace news. The UK Government and the LTA Tennis Foundation will invest £5,550,00 to transform park tennis courts in Witham. This funding is part of a new scheme through the LTA Tennis Project which aims to vastly improve local tennis …
Coronavirus Update and Information
Coronavirus Update and Information Stay home to save lives and protect the NHS Unprecedented support from Government for jobs and incomes On Monday, the Prime Minister announced a series of new measures to tackle the coronavirus outbreak. While many millions of people were following the guidance on ‘social distancing’, the …
Priti calls on Government to fund councils in Essex
Witham MP Priti Patel has called on the Government to look at rebalancing resources towards local councils in Essex during a debate on local authority funding in Parliament [15 January 2019]. During the debate Priti commended the innovation seen in local councils and highlighted the demographic pressures facing Essex County …