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GEML Taskforce Chairman Priti Patel MP welcomes new fast train services from Norwich and Ipswich

Published on 22nd May 2019 Published in General NewsPublished in Local News

Witham MP, Priti Patel, Chair of the Great Eastern Mainline Taskforce (GEML), has welcomed the launch of two new Greater Anglia fast train services from Norwich to London and Ipswich to London.  The new ‘Norwich in 90’ and ‘Ipswich in 60’ services started on Monday (20th May) and provide Norwich …

If we don’t radically change course on Brexit, the party I love will not survive

Published on 22nd May 2019 Published in National News

Publication: Byline By: Priti Patel Date: May 17, 2019 Friday 11:29 AM GMT You don’t have to be a political insider to know that Parliament, along with parts of the Government, has colluded in sabotaging Brexit. Voters are witnessing the disintegration of their democratic institutions, business is collectively throwing …

Working group gets down to business in discussions about the new Witham Health Centre

Published on 14th May 2019 Published in Local News

Witham’s MP, Priti Patel has taken part in a major planning session for the forthcoming Witham Health Centre.  The workshop, organised by the Mid-Essex Clinical Commissioning Group, took place on 10th May at the Essex Fire & Rescue Service HQ at Kelvedon Park, Rivenhall and was attended by representatives from …

International Trade Minister meets with Essex businesses at Parliamentary Forum

Published on 14th May 2019 Published in General News

The Minister of State for Trade Policy, George Hollingbery MP was the guest speaker at the Essex Chambers of Commerce International Trade Forum at Westminster’s Portcullis House last night (13th May), Chaired by Witham MP, Priti Patel.  The Forum was attended by a wide range of business sectors from across …

MP’s Get Witham Reading 2019 campaign gets underway

Published on 13th May 2019 Published in Local News

Witham’s crusading MP, Priti Patel, has launched her eighth annual school literacy campaign ‘Get Witham Reading 2019’.  Her campaign was first launched in 2012, when children’s literacy levels in the constituency fell below the national average, 1 in 6 pupils were leaving school without achieving the literacy of an 11 …

Priti Patel MP delighted by Rivenhall Incinerator refusal

Published on 26th April 2019 Published in Local News

The MP for Witham, Priti Patel, has welcomed the decision by Essex County Council’s Development and Regulation Committee to refuse two planning applications relating to the Rivenhall Incinerator. The proposals included increasing the chimney stack height and the Council’s planning officers had recommended the applications for refusal. The grounds for …

Priti Patel MP disappointed by DFT’s decision not to award Access for All funding to Marks Tey

Published on 26th April 2019 Published in Local News

Priti Patel, the MP for Witham has expressed her disappointment at the Department for Transport’s decision not to include Marks Tey on the list of stations to be awarded Access for All Funding. Representations were made by Priti to the Department for Transport and she sent a supporting letter to …

Priti Patel MP continues campaign of opposition to River View development

Published on 18th April 2019 Published in Local News

Local MP Priti Patel is continuing to campaign against the decision taken by Braintree District Council to grant planning permission for development on River View and the Gimsons site in Witham. Priti has lodged a formal complaint with the Council over the decision-making process and the application being determined on …

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