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Priti Patel MP at Layer Marney Tower.

Priti visits iconic Layer Marney Tower to see Heritage Fund grants in action

Published on 12th June 2021 Published in Local News

The Witham MP, Priti Patel, visited Layer Marney Tower on Saturday (12th June 2021) for a tour and inspection of new works being carried out on the site using the major funding the Tower has received from the Government’s £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund. The Marney Partnership, which maintains the …

Witham MP Priti Patel with key members of the Museum of Power team during her visit in August 2019. From left, Debbie Thomas, Museum Manager, Dr Roger Griffin, Chairman of the Board of Trustees and James Gulleford, Assistant Museum Manager.

Local MP is ‘thrilled’ by news of £890,700 National Lottery heritage grant for Maldon’s Museum of Power

Published on 8th April 2021 Published in Local News

Priti Patel, the MP for Witham has expressed her delight at the news that the Museum of Power in Langford, Maldon will be receiving a National Lottery Heritage Fund grant of £890,700 for its Powering Forward project. The project will make major improvements to the visitor offer at the Museum …

Priti welcomes Culture Recovery Fund grants for two heritage organisations in her constituency

Published on 6th April 2021 Published in Local News

The Witham MP, Priti Patel, has welcomed the news that two heritage organisations in her constituency have been awarded grants from the Government’s £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund. The Marney Partnership, which maintains the Marney Tower and grounds, receives £62,200 and the Museum of Power at Langford, with its many …

Priti welcomes new funding for safe return of our High Streets

Published on 24th March 2021 Published in General News

The Witham MP, Priti Patel, has warmly welcomed new funding announced by the Ministry of Communities, Housing and Local Government to help support the safe return of businesses reopening in high streets and seaside resorts across the East of England as Coronavirus restrictions start to ease in the weeks and …

Priti looks out for residents troubled by heavy traffic in Great Wigborough and Woodham Mortimer

Published on 17th March 2021 Published in Local News

Concern is being expressed by residents on the Maldon Road through Great Wigborough, about the amount, type and speed of the traffic using that route.  They are particularly concerned about the increasing number of HGVs, which cause considerable vibration in nearby properties, which are very close to the road.  It …

Littering up our highways

Published on 16th March 2021 Published in Local News

A number of constituents have written to Priti about the egregious state of the verges on major trunk roads in the Witham area and, in particular, the A12 which have been getting into a disgraceful state. The section between Witham and Ipswich has  been particularly badly affected with litter and …

Priti welcomes Beaulieu Park Station plans

Published on 9th March 2021 Published in Local News

The Witham MP, Priti Patel, has welcomed Essex County Council’s plans to approve funding and other agreements to deliver the new Beaulieu Park Station. The new station, situated between Hatfield Peverel and Chelmsford, will provide additional capacity for passengers, support local housing growth and with three platforms will help to …

Priti welcomes Budget Support for Businesses, Families and Freeport for Essex

Published on 3rd March 2021 Published in Local News

The Witham MP, Priti Patel, has welcomed the Budget statement from the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, that gives families and businesses ongoing help through the coronavirus pandemic and establishes a new economy boosting freeport in Essex. To help families, the Budget included an extension of the Coronavirus Job …

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