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Priti congratulates Witham’s A-Level students

Published on 18th August 2022 Published in Local News

Witham MP, Priti Patel, has congratulated students across the Witham constituency who have today received their A-Level, vocational and technical results. Priti said: “Over the past couple of years, students have faced significant disruption to their education due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This year is the first since 2019 that …

Priti with Mike Jackson, Managing Director of McKenzie Arnold Group (left) and Martin Jackson, Head of Operations with one of the Group’s security vehicles at their Faulkbourne HQ.

Priti meets up with leading Witham based national event security firm

Published on 18th August 2022 Published in Local News

Priti Patel, the MP for Witham, has had a meeting with Martin Jackson, Head of Operations and Mike Jackson Managing Director of McKenzie Arnold Group, at their offices in Faulkbourne, Essex. McKenzie Arnold are nationwide specialists in providing security, crowd management and stewarding for the events industry. The three met …

Priti Patel, MP for Witham, with blackcurrant grower Giles Coode-Adams during her tour of Feeringbury Manor farm.

Priti backs local blackcurrant farmer

Published on 15th August 2022 Published in Local News

Witham’s MP, Priti Patel, has visited Feeringbury Manor to show her support for local farmers. Feeringbury Manor is famous for its blackcurrants, which have just been harvested to supply Ribena to the UK soft drinks manufacturer Suntory Beverage & Food. Priti called in on Friday 12th August 2022 for a …

Priti Patel with Sue Wray (left) - Inclusive Employment Business Manager at Essex Cares Ltd and Emma Gilson Inclusive Employment Engagement Lead, during their meeting.

Priti Patel MP calls on local businesses to be inclusive employers

Published on 20th July 2022 Published in Local News

Priti Patel MP has called on local businesses to partner with Essex Cares Ltd (ECL) to become inclusive employers and support people with learning difficulties in getting work opportunities. Her call follows a meeting with the company in Witham on Friday 15th July. ECL, in conjunction with Essex County Council, …

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