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Local development concerns raised by Priti in Parliament

Published on 10th January 2023 Published in General News

The Witham MP, Priti Patel, during a debate in the House of Commons (9th January 2023), has questioned the Planning and Housing Minister, Lucy Frazer MP, about the Government’s plans to help local communities fight back against inappropriate, unsustainable and speculative development applications. Priti, who has successfully pressed the Government …

Priti Patel MP helps bring in the harvest at Daymens Hill Farm, Tolleshunt Major.

Priti’s nominations for Countryside Awards are through to the regional finals

Published on 9th January 2023 Published in Local News

Daymens Hill Farm, a traditional English orchard with a wide variety of apples and pears in Tolleshunt Major and Stantons Farm Alpacas in Black Notley, who breed Alpacas and provide an environment for youngsters of all ages to visit are through to the East regional finals of the Countryside Alliance …

Priti meeting with the Secretary of State for Education.

Witham MP meets the Secretary of State for Education to discuss support for schools

Published on 13th December 2022 Published in General News

Priti Patel, the Member of Parliament for the Witham constituency, recently met with the Education Secretary, the Rt. Hon Gillian Keegan, to discuss increased financial support for schools in light of recent economic pressures. During the meeting, they discussed the impact of increasing energy bills on school budgets and the …

Priti Patel presents Kyle with his prizes for winning the MP’s Christmas card competition, a world atlas and a jigsaw puzzle.

Priti Patel MP leads the prize giving for her 2022 schools Christmas card competition

Published on 12th December 2022 Published in Local News

Witham MP, Priti Patel presented prizes to the winner and runner ups of her 2022 Christmas card competition. Priti met with and presented a prize to Kyle Worland, age 10, from Southview School who is this year’s winner and will be on the cover of Priti’s Christmas card. She congratulated …

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