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Priti says: Opportunity for sustainable offshore energy grid shouldn’t be missed

Published on 30th April 2023 Published in Local News

Going through Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex, this corridor of metal will blight some of our most beautiful landscapes and harm the environment. By PRITI PATEL 17:01, Sun, Apr 30, 2023 – Daily Express Britain is a world leader in generating clean, low carbon and renewable energy, with 40 percent of …

Priti Patel MP presents a donation cheque to Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust alongside Mrs Sue Miller, the wife of the late Dennis Miller and his three daughters Sarah, Claire and Lisa. They are joined by EHAAT Chief Executive Jane Gurney, Aviation & Operations Director Paul Curtis and members of the emergency response team at Earls Colne airbase.

Priti visits the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust Airbase at Earls Colne to pay tribute to Witham constituent Dennis Miller

Published on 24th April 2023 Published in Local News

The MP for Witham, Priti Patel, has visited the Essex & Herts Ambulance Trust (EHAAT) airbase at Earls Colne, to thank the staff and volunteers for their work and to give her personal support to their efforts in remembrance of her constituent, Mr Dennis Miller, who was tragically killed following …

Priti calls for offshore grid in House of Commons speech

Published on 19th April 2023 Published in General News

The Witham MP, Priti Patel, has called on the Government to support the development of an offshore power grid in East Anglia rather than National Grid’s current plans for pylons to be constructed across the East of England. Speaking during questions to energy ministers in the House of Commons (18th April 2023), Priti highlighted local objections …

Local apprenticeships in Witham praised by Secretary of State in Parliament

Published on 18th April 2023 Published in General News

Witham MP Priti Patel has spoken in support of local apprentices and thanked businesses who attended her Careers Fair last month during questions to the Secretary of State for Education in the House of Commons on the 17th April 2023. In reply, the Secretary of State Rt Hon Gillian Keegan MP, praised businesses in …

Priti with members of Next Chapter during her visit.

Priti gives her continued support to Domestic Abuse victims and visits women’s refuge in Colchester

Published on 5th April 2023 Published in Local News

Priti Patel, the MP for Witham, visited a women’s refuge run by Next Chapter in Colchester recently to hear about the experiences of women who have fled domestic violence or abuse in the local area. Next Chapter (formerly known as Colchester & Tendring Women’s Refuge) is a domestic abuse charity …

Priti at the Museum of Power with from left: Mark Gallagher - Trustee, John Lowe – Honorary President, James Gulleford – Assistant Museum Manager, Dr Roger Griffin – Chairman of Trustees and Debbie Thomas – Museum Manager.

Priti visits the Museum of Power to discuss the ‘Powering Forward Project’

Published on 30th March 2023 Published in Local News

Witham’s Member of Parliament, Priti Patel visited the Museum of Power at Langford on Friday 24th March for a briefing on the ‘Powering Forward Project’.  She was joined by Chairman of the Board of Museum Trustees, Roger Griffin, Honorary President, John Lowe and the Museum’s management team, Debbie Thomas and James …

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