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PP Rwanda article

I share your anger at Rwanda legal wrangle but only a noisy few are against the flights

Published on 30th June 2023 Published in National News

SUN readers will be dismayed by the Court of Appeal decision to rule against plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda and have their claims processed there. Each month, thousands attempt the illegal and dangerous crossing of the Channel from the safety of France, and you rightly expect the Government …

Local road and rail issues raised with Transport Secretary

Published on 29th June 2023 Published in Local News

Witham MP Priti Patel has discussed local and strategic road and rail issues with the Secretary of State for Transport, Mark Harper MP, at a meeting in the House of Commons. Priti discussed the delays to the redevelopment of Witham Station, future investment in rail infrastructure, the state of local roads and …

Priti raises local planning and infrastructure issues in Parliament

Published on 22nd June 2023 Published in Local News

Priti Patel, the MP for Witham, has held a debate in Parliament on housing and infrastructure in Essex (21st June 2023). During the debate she raised with the Government’s Housing and Planning Ministers local concerns over the way planning decisions are made, protections for local communities, and the need for investment in …

Priti raises Wethersfield concerns in Parliament

Published on 16th June 2023 Published in Local News

During a general debate on migration in the House of Common (15.06.23), the Witham MP Priti Patel has raised concerns about the Government’s plans to use Wethersfield to accommodate asylum seekers. The site is currently the subject of a legal challenge, although the Home Office are continuing to prepare the site for it to …

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