Local MPs meet with campaigners to save medical services in Maldon district

Local MPs meet with campaigners to save medical services in Maldon district

Published: 23rd July 2024 - 9:50 am Category: Local News

The MPs for Witham and Maldon, Dame Priti Patel and Sir John Whittingdale, have met with the Save Maldon Medical Services group for the first time since the General Election to discuss the findings of the recently published draft report on the public feedback to the Mid & South Essex ICS consultation regarding St Peter’s Hospital.

The main focus of the meeting was on the recently published draft report on the public feedback to the consultation that was undertaken earlier in the year, and to discuss the plan moving forward ahead of the next ICS Board meeting which will take place on the 30th September. At the extraordinary board meeting in September, the feedback received from the consultation will be used to inform the decision-making process.

Priti said: “Once again, local residents, campaigners and community leaders in the Maldon District have come together to ensure that our voices are heard as part of the ongoing campaign to save St Peters and ensure that access to much needed medical services is retained within the Maldon District. It was helpful to hear what the campaign group have been up to during the General Election period, and how they intend to move forward with next steps. As the consultation report shows, the vast majority of respondents have serious concerns over the current proposals, and reject these plans that would lead to the closure of medical services.”

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