Witham MP visits Honywood School for an update on its virtual education programme during lockdown

Priti Patel MP in discussion with Honywood School students and Headteacher, James Saunders.

Witham MP visits Honywood School for an update on its virtual education programme during lockdown

Published: 12th July 2020 - 8:26 am Category: Local News

Responding to an invitation to visit Honywood School, Priti Patel, the Witham MP called in on Friday (10th July) to meet Headteacher, James Saunders to discuss the work that the school has been doing to support their students during the Coronavirus pandemic. The technological approach adopted at the School before the crisis has allowed them to smoothly adapt to the new situation and to virtual learning.

During her visit, Priti took time out to meet and chat with three Honywood students about their experiences during lockdown and how they had coped with their studies, working exclusively from home.

Priti Patel MP and Honywood Headteacher James Saunders during their meeting.
Priti Patel MP and Honywood Headteacher James Saunders during their meeting.

Priti said: “It was a pleasure to visit Honywood School today, to hear about the very impressive work the school has done to keep educating during the pandemic. I pay particular tribute to the teachers here for adapting so quickly and efficiently to unprecedented new conditions, keeping the students in the educational loop throughout the lockdown. I was also impressed by how positively the students adapted to their new situation and worked with teachers and classmates to make virtual learning so successful.

“Honywood School should be extremely proud of its efforts and there are lessons other schools can learn from their success. The focus must now be on getting all children back to school, which is the best place for them to learn.”

Headteacher, James Saunders said: “We were delighted to meet with our local MP, Priti Patel today to showcase our achievements and the work our school has been doing during the pandemic. As a school, the move to remote learning and working from home was a relatively easy transition for our learners and staff. At Honywood, we use Google classroom and one-to-one i-pads to provide learning resources to our children as part of our normal practice.”

Other items under discussion during Priti’s meeting with the Headteacher were local transport for September, the effects of the pandemic on year 6-7 transition and the condition of some of the school’s buildings.

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