Priti calls for offshore grid in House of Commons speech

Priti calls for offshore grid in House of Commons speech

Published: 19th April 2023 - 10:03 am Category: General News

The Witham MP, Priti Patel, has called on the Government to support the development of an offshore power grid in East Anglia rather than National Grid’s current plans for pylons to be constructed across the East of England. Speaking during questions to energy ministers in the House of Commons (18th April 2023), Priti highlighted local objections to the pylon plans and the case for an offshore grid, similar to those seen elsewhere in the country. In reply, the Minister, Andrew Bowie MP, stated that he would be meeting with local communities shortly.

Priti said: “Local opposition to the plans for pylons is strong and increasing. Communities across the East of England are extremely angry and upset.  They want to see National Grid scrap the plans and replace them with an offshore grid. We need the Government to fully review the decisions that have been taken and undertake a comprehensive study to examine the benefits of an offshore grid that would be less disruptive than pylons and be resilient and future-proofed for the development of more energy generating offshore wind turbines.”

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