Priti fights for pensioners on winter fuel payments

Priti meeting a pensioner during the 2024 General Election

Priti fights for pensioners on winter fuel payments

Published: 16th September 2024 - 11:14 am Category: Local News National News

Witham MP Priti Patel has spoken in the House of Commons in opposition to the Labour Government’s cruel plans to take winter fuel payments away from an estimated 10 million across the country, including 20,000 in the Witham constituency. Priti opposed the plans, which have been forced through by Labour, despite concerns that it will leave pensioners unable to heat their homes and may lead to many needing extra health and social care. Priti said:

“This cruel decision by Labour has left pensioners feeling frightened, scared and worried about how they will heat their homes this winter. 20,000 of my constituents will lose out and I will continue to stand up and fight for them. Labour have found billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money to pay off their trade union paymasters at the expense of the financial security of pensioners.”

Commenting on other measures announced or expected to be announced by Labour that will impact on pensioners, Priti added:

“Labour’s assault on the nation’s pensioners continues. As well as taking away the winter fuel payment, Labour have scrapped the social care cost cap and are looking to cut tax relief on pensions, increase fuel duties and force councils to hike up council tax. Pensioners across the country are worse off under this cruel and self-serving Labour Government.”

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