Witham MP visits Colchester Zoo to hear about its future plans

Priti Patel MP with Managing Zoo Director, Dr Dominique Tropeano, during her visit to Colchester Zoo

Witham MP visits Colchester Zoo to hear about its future plans

Published: 16th August 2023 - 4:20 pm Category: Local News

Priti Patel, the MP for Witham, has made one of her regular visits to Colchester Zoo to find out all about the plans that the Zoo is making for its future.  The plans include a major expansion and becoming a registered charity from 1st January 2025.

Priti began her visit with a meeting attended by the Managing Zoo Director, Dr Dominique Tropeano and Business Development Manager, Melissa Dench. Priti was briefed about the Zoo’s vision for the future including its plans for diversification that even includes providing overnight accommodation and the forthcoming new attraction of a dinosaur exhibit. Colchester Zoological Society was also introduced to Priti with the Zoo becoming a registered charity in 2025.

After the meeting, Priti was taken to visit the Zoo’s Sun Bears, natives of South East Asia and the

Priti Patel discusses conservation issues with the Colchester Zoo team after visiting the Coppery Titi tropical monkeys in their enclosure. From left: Amanda Willis, Digital Design & Marketing Manager, Melissa Dench, Business Development Manager, Liz Butcher, Living Collection Manager and Andy Moore, Conservation Education Manager

Coppery Titi tropical monkeys, normally to be found in Brazil and Peru. The threats these two species face in the wild were discussed and the very great importance of the conservation work being undertaking by Colchester Zoo, working alongside their conservation charity Action for the Wild.  Action for the Wild will become Colchester Zoological Society and take over the running of the Zoo in 2025.

Speaking after her visit, Priti said: “It was a fascinating visit to one of the premier tourist attractions in East Anglia.  The Zoo has some terrific plans for its future which sound really exciting.  They provide unrivalled opportunities to see animals close-up and their vital work in conservation is widely respected around the world.”

Dr Tropeano, Managing Zoo Director said: “It is always a pleasure to see Priti and we had a lot to tell her about.  Her long term and continuous interest in our work is very much appreciated. We believe that the changes we are planning will make the Zoo’s future even more secure by providing new facilities that will continue to make it an exciting draw for tourists and our local community.”

Further information about Colchester Zoo is available at www.colchester-zoo.com

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