Priti joins ‘Be Internet Legends’ online safety assembly at Kelvedon school

Priti Patel MP with pupils and staff from Kelvedon St Marys Church of England School, at the ‘Be Internet Legends’ online safety assembly.

Priti joins ‘Be Internet Legends’ online safety assembly at Kelvedon school

Published: 17th October 2022 - 10:55 am Category: Local News

The MP for Witham, Priti Patel, has joined in at a ‘Be Internet Legends’ interactive online safety assembly at Kelvedon St Mary Church of England Primary School.  The assembly, held on Friday 14th October, is part of a nationwide programme aimed at helping 7-11 year old pupils to be safer and more confident users of the online world.

During the assembly, Kelvedon St Mary Primary School Pupils took part in an interactive learning journey in which they were encouraged to actively participate in a series of tasks needed to help solve a media literacy puzzle. Priti unveiled the final clue to help the children solve the last challenge.

‘Be Internet Legends’ created by Google, in partnership with Parent Zone, covers the five main aspects of internet learning that support a child’s media literacy: 1. Staying sharp about what you are sharing online. 2. Being alert to scams and misinformation. 3. Using tools to keep your devices secure. 4. Being kind with others online. 5. Being brave by talking to trusted adults about any problems encountered.

Since its launch in March 2018, more than 70% of primary schools have engaged with the Be Internet Legends programme and an independent evaluation has shown that children who have taken part in the interactive training offered are twice as likely to demonstrate an improved understanding of internet safety.

Speaking after the assembly, Priti said: “The importance of the safety of children when they are online cannot be over-emphasised, as succeeding generations become more than ever tied to the internet for their everyday learning and entertainment experiences.

“I very much enjoyed taking part in the assembly and playing a small role in helping the pupils solve their challenge.  It was both informative and entertaining.  I would encourage all primary schools to get in touch with ‘Be Internet Legends’ to arrange similar interactive assemblies.”

Further information about Be Internet Legends is available at:

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