Priti raises garden settlements in Parliament

Published: 18th October 2018 - 6:55 pm Category: Local News

Witham MP Priti Patel has quizzed the Government’s Planning Minister on garden settlements during a debate in Parliament [Tuesday 16 October 2018]. The debate on housing and home ownership took place in Westminster Hall and in response the Minister, Kit Malthouse MP, explained that councils need to engage with local communities and gain local support for proposals. Priti said:

“The Minister was clear in his response that councils putting forward proposals for garden settlements must engage positively with local communities and secure support for them. This is an important issue here in this part of Essex where Braintree, Colchester and Tendring Councils have put forward proposals to increase housing and improve local infrastructure through garden settlements. With these councils considering how to proceed with their Local Plans, it is essential that they take local communities with them and include them in the decision-making process.”

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